UFT automation training-30 hrs
Course Fee : INR 8K
Course Duration :30hrs
Mode : Online and Class room based
Prerequisite : Basics of any programming
Basics of Atomation testing &
Table of content
- Table of content0.Intro to Automation
- Introduction to UFT & ADD - Ins
- How to use UFT IDE
- Record & Run Settings | Recording the Script
- Object Identification
- Understanding Expert View
- Understanding Recorded Script
- Replay | Run Settings
- Test Results for QTP
- If & Else Loop
- Report Event | Results Formatting
- Actions
- SMART Identification
- Object Property Modification
- Ordinal Identifiers
- Local Object Repository
- Develop Script in EXPERT View
- Synchronisation(Wait,Exists,WaitProperty,WaitProperty through Design Step,Sync)
- GetROProperty
- SetROProperty
- Debugging
- Using Excel with QTP
- Application Object
- Counting Rows
- Reading from Multiple Workbooks
- Writing to Excel
- Text Files handling
- Advantages of Using Text Files
- Reading from Text Files using the File System Object
- Writing to Text Files using the File System Object
- User Defined Functions
- Subroutines
- Naming Convention(OR,Code writing)
- Process for Importing and Exporting Data Tables
- Parametrisation
- Output values
- Libraries, Building and Associating
- Error handling
- Recovery Scenarios
- Exit statement
- Optional Step
- Recording Modes in QTP
- Normal
- Low level(Co-ordinates)
- Analog rec (Mouse, keyboard movement)
- Insight Rec
- Descriptive Programming
- Description Object and Child Objects
- Virtual Objects
- Managing Tables
- Dictionary Object
- Environment Variable in QTP
- Framework day1
- Framework day2
Assignments looks like :-
1. Write a VB program to print number from 20-30 using For loop.
2. Write a VB program to print number from 40-50 using While loop.
3. Write a VB program to print number from 20-30 using Do loop.
4. Write a VB program to create an array of size 10 and then store 10 unique value and print all the value using For loop.
5. Write a VB program to print largest of 4 number using if else statement and Select Case.
6. Write a VB program to check if a folder ‘Day1’ exists in D:\ driver if not then create a new folder. (Hint-Use FileSystemObject).
7. Write a VB program to create a text file ‘day1.txt’ in Day1 folder , once created delete the file and verify that the text file do not exists. (Hint-Use FileSystemObject).
8. Write a VB program to copy folder created in Q5 ,to a different location and verify that folder exists after copy.( Hint- Use CopyFolder method of FSO).
9. Write a VB program to Move folder created in Q5 ,to a different location and verify that folder do exists after move.( Hint- Use MoveFolder method of FSO).
10. Write a VB program to open any text file from any location and print all the content to output panel of UFT.(Hint- Use OpenTextFile method of FSO and use ReadAll method).
2. Write a VB program to print number from 40-50 using While loop.
3. Write a VB program to print number from 20-30 using Do loop.
4. Write a VB program to create an array of size 10 and then store 10 unique value and print all the value using For loop.
5. Write a VB program to print largest of 4 number using if else statement and Select Case.
6. Write a VB program to check if a folder ‘Day1’ exists in D:\ driver if not then create a new folder. (Hint-Use FileSystemObject).
7. Write a VB program to create a text file ‘day1.txt’ in Day1 folder , once created delete the file and verify that the text file do not exists. (Hint-Use FileSystemObject).
8. Write a VB program to copy folder created in Q5 ,to a different location and verify that folder exists after copy.( Hint- Use CopyFolder method of FSO).
9. Write a VB program to Move folder created in Q5 ,to a different location and verify that folder do exists after move.( Hint- Use MoveFolder method of FSO).
10. Write a VB program to open any text file from any location and print all the content to output panel of UFT.(Hint- Use OpenTextFile method of FSO and use ReadAll method).
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