UFT automation training-30 hrs

Course Fee : INR 8K
Course Duration :30hrs
Mode : Online and Class room based
Prerequisite :  Basics of any programming

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Basics of Atomation testing &
Table of content
  1. Table of content
    0.Intro to Automation
    1. Introduction to UFT & ADD - Ins
    2. How to use UFT IDE
    3. Record & Run Settings | Recording the Script
    4. Object Identification
    5. Understanding Expert View
    6. Understanding Recorded Script
    7. Replay | Run Settings
    8. Test Results for QTP
    9. If & Else Loop
    10. Report Event | Results Formatting
    11. Actions
    12. SMART Identification
    13. Object Property Modification
    14. Ordinal Identifiers
    15. Local Object Repository
    16. Develop Script in EXPERT View
    17. Synchronisation(Wait,Exists,WaitProperty,WaitProperty through Design Step,Sync)
    18. FSO
    19. GetROProperty
    20. SetROProperty
    21. Debugging
    22. Using Excel with QTP
    23. Application Object
    24. Counting Rows
    25. Reading from Multiple Workbooks
    26. Writing to Excel
    27. Text Files handling
    28. Advantages of Using Text Files
    29. Reading from Text Files using the File System Object
    30. Writing to Text Files using the File System Object
    31. User Defined Functions
    32. Subroutines
    33. Naming Convention(OR,Code writing)
    34. Process for Importing and Exporting Data Tables
    35. Parametrisation
    36. Output values
    37. Libraries, Building and Associating
    38. Error handling
    39. Recovery Scenarios
    40. Exit statement
    41. Optional Step
    42. Recording Modes in QTP
      1. Normal
      2. Low level(Co-ordinates)
      3. Analog rec (Mouse, keyboard movement)
      4. Insight Rec
    43. Descriptive Programming
    44. Description Object and Child Objects
    45. Virtual Objects
    46. Managing Tables
    47. Dictionary Object
    48. Environment Variable in QTP
    49. Framework day1
    50. Framework day2
 Assignments looks like :-
1. Write a VB program to print number from 20-30 using For loop.
2. Write a VB program to print number from 40-50 using While loop.
3. Write a VB program to print number from 20-30 using Do loop.
4. Write a VB program to create an array of size 10 and then store 10 unique value and print all the value using For loop.
5. Write a VB program to print largest of 4 number using if else statement and Select Case.
6. Write a VB program to check if a folder ‘Day1’ exists in D:\ driver if not then create a new folder. (Hint-Use FileSystemObject).
7. Write a VB program to create a text file ‘day1.txt’ in Day1 folder , once created delete the file and verify that the text file do not exists. (Hint-Use FileSystemObject).
8. Write a VB program to copy folder created in Q5 ,to a different location and verify that folder exists after copy.( Hint- Use CopyFolder method of FSO).
9. Write a VB program to Move folder created in Q5 ,to a different location and verify that folder do exists after move.( Hint- Use MoveFolder method of FSO).
10. Write a VB program to open any text file from any location and print all the content to output panel of UFT.(Hint- Use OpenTextFile method of FSO and use ReadAll method).


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